Nature and Beauty are Bread for the Soul

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” – John Muir Photo taken a few days ago in Castlewood State Park in Ballwin, Missouri.  Get out and enjoy Autumn before the wind and cold sweep away all theContinue reading “Nature and Beauty are Bread for the Soul”

Halloween Hike at Castlewood

I visited Castlewood State Park, just outside of St. Louis, for a rejuvenating hike. Even though we’ve passed our peak for fall color, I brought along the camera.  And I’m glad I did!! The lighting and shadow from the half-empty canopy made photography in the forest fun. A jewel in the rubble.  An oak leafContinue reading “Halloween Hike at Castlewood”


It’s been an interesting month, to say the least.  In short, I’m on the hunt for career opportunities in the St. Louis area.  I’ve been updating my LinkedIn profile and my resume.  I’m very interested in conservation, environmental science, sustainability consulting, environmental education, living architecture, stormwater management, and riparian zone restoration, to name a few. Continue reading “Falling”