Threshold of Consequence

…and somehow a snowball disproves our impact on a global scale. Riiiight.


To some, it seems incomprehensible that 7 billion people can have lasting influence on our planet, inducing harmful changes to our environment.  Climate change cannot exist, say some folks.  

Humans have an impact on the environment.  I think most would agree.  But the argument that extends from this concept is the line, the threshold at which our species can impact parts or all of our world.  What is the threshold of our influence? How far does the impact of humankind extend?  At what level do we stop having an influence?  And what are the consequences of our evident influence?

One personcan affect one tree by topping it, inviting disease and early death. The pathogen spreads to nearby trees, plaguing the neighborhood. One person generates 4.4 lb of trash per day, which goes to a landfill.  If one person dumps in old batteries, old cleaners, plastics, construction material…

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Published by Mark Ostendorf

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."~John Muir. I have a background in Environmental Science, with interest in Environmental Biology, Living Walls, Green Roofs, Rain Gardens, Native Plants, Riparian Zone Ecology, LED Lighting. PLANTS! We are stewards of God's green Earth, not plunderers of its bounty.

What do you think?