Up with Green Roofs! It is time, St. Louis.

I had the pleasure of attending a Green Roof Design and Installation workshop last week in Nashville, Tennessee.  This course is for those interested in the green roof industry and Green Roof Professional accreditation.  It was a real treat to have Steven Peck, Founder and President of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, as our instructor. Continue reading “Up with Green Roofs! It is time, St. Louis.”

What is Living Architecture?

Someone on Twitter recently asked me about living architecture. So, what is Living Architecture? Well, what is architecture?  Google tells me that it is the ‘art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.’  By extension, then, living architecture could be defined as the practice of integrating vegetation into the design and construction of the builtContinue reading “What is Living Architecture?”

Living Wall Prezi

I recently experimented with the innovative presentation tool called Prezi.  This is an amazing way to visualize presentations, get the bigger picture, and allow for a less linear look.  This is a presentation I made last week outlining the basics about living walls “Introduction to Living Walls” Let me know what you think.  If theContinue reading “Living Wall Prezi”

Boschert Greenway Living Wall

The Ribbon Cutting for the Boschert Greenway in St. Charles was today.  A living retaining wall (visible from Highway 370), native landscaping, and permeable pavement make this trail stand out as an example of sustainable development and Low Impact Development.  This is part of an effort to build up parks, greenways, and trails by Great Rivers Greenway andContinue reading “Boschert Greenway Living Wall”

Your wall should be alive!

You’re likely reading this from within the walls of your home or business.  If you are reading this outside, you’re likely not far from a building or any other man-made structure.  People spend 90% of their time inside.  And 82% of the people in the U.S. reside in urban or suburban areas.  Urban areas haveContinue reading “Your wall should be alive!”

A Green Retaining Wall

During my studies at SIUE, I was introduced to innovative technologies that are designed to address urban environmental problems.  Green roofs, blue roofs, green walls, rain gardens, bioswales, etc. can help mitigate stormwater runoff and/or the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE).  I conducted  my thesis project on a specific kind of green wall, a greenContinue reading “A Green Retaining Wall”