Desaturated Prairie

Here’s the last photo from my visit to Shaw Nature Reserve last weekend. Another prairie plant I’m unfamiliar with.  I suppose that makes it easier for me to mess with the saturation/contrast of the original then… The original. Let me know if you’re familiar with this plant species, genus, or family.

Shaw Summer

It’s the first day of summer and I volunteered again at Shaw Nature Reserve.  It got hot quickly, so I spent the morning doing a couple assigned tasks and then stopped for the day.  Anyway, I was near the demonstration rain garden in the Whitmire Wildflower Garden. Forget a cubicle; this should be my office!

Second Visit to Shaw Nature Reserve

I saw Shaw a couple months ago to find fantastic flora.  I returned today to find a different palette of color. Fields of Coneflower (Echinacea simulata?) Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica) dotted the Whitmire Wildflower Garden.  Indian pink apparently grows rather easily in well-drained semi-shady areas.  Just another rewarding native for your gardening consideration…