Along the Crest, Crested Iris

Enjoyed another fantastic day at Shaw Nature Reserve.  Following my volunteering stint, I hiked through the dry glades and woodlands near the Meramec River, evaluating the Spring’s continuing transition in color.  Among the most vibrant and prolific today was Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata).  Just another native to consider in your garden!

Fall Bloomer in the Prairie

This was also in the prairie at Shaw Nature Reserve along with the Gentian (See previous entry).  It appears to be Slender False Foxglove (Agalinis tenuifolia), formerly known as Gerardia tenuifolia.  It is a beautiful native, late-season annual.

Living Wall Prezi

I recently experimented with the innovative presentation tool called Prezi.  This is an amazing way to visualize presentations, get the bigger picture, and allow for a less linear look.  This is a presentation I made last week outlining the basics about living walls “Introduction to Living Walls” Let me know what you think.  If theContinue reading “Living Wall Prezi”

The Yard: Golf Course or Natural Resource?

(This post was inspired by my experience in last week’s St. Louis Sustainable Backyard Tour.) It’s a summer Saturday morning.  You’ve slept in as late as you possibly could.  Light now infiltrates your window blinds and morning sounds prevent any more snoozing.  You listen to cicadas, melodic birds, a passing breeze in the trees–and suddenlyContinue reading “The Yard: Golf Course or Natural Resource?”

Shining Stars of Blue

My eyes are continually opened to new and amazing native plants that thrive in Missouri and the Ozarks.  A few days ago, I was surprised to find, among the horse-trampled acres of my parent’s land in southwest Missouri, several clumps of Blue Star (Amsonia spp.).  At first, I thought they were a kind of milkweed,Continue reading “Shining Stars of Blue”