Echinacea Visitor

Echinacea Visitor, a photo by mostendorf1 on Flickr. No worries. I haven’t stopped taking pictures of nature and I haven’t stopped advocating for environmental sustainability. Anywho, I continue to take advantage of the natural areas and native landscaping at Shaw Nature Reserve.This is a Pearl Crescent Butterfly on a Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea).

Along the Crest, Crested Iris

Enjoyed another fantastic day at Shaw Nature Reserve.  Following my volunteering stint, I hiked through the dry glades and woodlands near the Meramec River, evaluating the Spring’s continuing transition in color.  Among the most vibrant and prolific today was Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata).  Just another native to consider in your garden!

Desaturated Prairie

Here’s the last photo from my visit to Shaw Nature Reserve last weekend. Another prairie plant I’m unfamiliar with.  I suppose that makes it easier for me to mess with the saturation/contrast of the original then… The original. Let me know if you’re familiar with this plant species, genus, or family.

Fall Bloomer in the Prairie

This was also in the prairie at Shaw Nature Reserve along with the Gentian (See previous entry).  It appears to be Slender False Foxglove (Agalinis tenuifolia), formerly known as Gerardia tenuifolia.  It is a beautiful native, late-season annual.

Prairie Gentian

Today was Prairie Day at Shaw Nature Reserve.  I learned how to use an atlatl, saw many cool exhibits, ate a bison burger, and took a walk through the prairie with the camera.   While the brutal drought is still evident throughout the region, the recent rains seem to be aiding in the fall bloomContinue reading “Prairie Gentian”

Summer Day Hike at Shaw Nature Reserve

With a lull in the hot weather, we took a day hike today out at Shaw Nature Reserve.  Things looked crispy and dried up.  But, all things considered, the natives seem to be surviving.  Anywho, here are a few photos of our outing. Beautiful seed pods.  This is Baptisia, though the exact species may be FalseContinue reading “Summer Day Hike at Shaw Nature Reserve”

First Visit to Shaw Nature Reserve

I visited the Shaw Nature Reserve, located southwest of St. Louis, today for the first time.  I was thoroughly impressed with the numerous trails, the varying terrain, and the abundant spring blooms.  Woodland ephemerals have popped up everywhere.  These are Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) and they’re prolific in the bottomlands at SNR. Sure, tulips andContinue reading “First Visit to Shaw Nature Reserve”