Instrumentation for Better Fuel Economy

Whether your reasons are financial or environmental, fuel economy seems to be a big deal these days.  Cruising for great gas mileage means fewer trips to the pumps, less mechanical wear and tear, reduced air pollution and, of course, saving money. For some folks, getting a newer, fuel-efficient car is the answer.  But for many,Continue reading “Instrumentation for Better Fuel Economy”

Snowball Effect: Transportation and Fragmentation

This is the result of a writing exercise I started awhile ago. I started with the word “Fragmentation” and a vague consciousness of where I wanted my theme to gravitate. What ensued was a semi-poetic rant that exemplified consequences of our actions.  My thoughts often ‘snowball’ into more complex scenarios and consequences. Fragmentation. Spiderweb. ConcreteContinue reading “Snowball Effect: Transportation and Fragmentation”

Fair Weather Fuel Economy

The best way to save fuel, aside from purchasing a fuel efficient vehicle, is learning to improve fuel economy in your current vehicle by ‘fixing the nut behind the wheel.’  Minimizing fuel consumption takes work and knowing the quirks of your specific vehicle.  Luckily, as the warmer months approach, fuel economy automatically improves (decreased warmContinue reading “Fair Weather Fuel Economy”