
I care about stuff.

Why?  Because, “when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”~John Muir

We are hitched to God’s masterful workmanship, aka ‘Earth.’  We are to be Stewards of Earth.  The grassroots Sustainability Movement is evidence that we are finally realizing the need for a mid-course correction and that we are recognizing the benefits of acting now.

This blog is just me sharing writings and pictures pertaining to stuff like  sustainability education, conservation,  green infrastructure (green roofs, rain gardens, green walls), aquatic ecology, native plants, LED lighting, energy conservation, nature hikes, etc.  I have lived in Oklahoma and Missouri.  I grabbed up a Bachelor’s emphasizing Sustainability from Missouri Southern State University in Joplin.

Today I hail from St. Louis as a recent graduate of SIUE with a Master’s of Environmental Sciences.  I just became a LEED Green Associate.  I am currently pursuing professional work as an environmental professional.


If you have any questions or comments, let me know!

25 thoughts on “About

  1. Better not look at the rubble I described in “water and brambles”.
    I fully agree; rubbish does not disappear of course; even when the grass grows over it; as I am discovering now with my pigs digging up a field or two…
    Thanks for liking “Mullaghmeen” today.

    1. Uncovering old rubbish can become an archaeology project! The photos in “Mullaghmeen” were particularly interesting. It was nice to see similar-looking violets and different-looking bluebells. Thanks for visiting my blog!

      1. Thanks for following (and educating me about native flowers…). I even found a “Whitebell” ; will try to publish it today (fingers xssed).

  2. What are your thoughts re sustainable planning – it seems we have these point solutions or point ideas on what needs to be done, but we don’t develop or implement systems that keep us focused on planning sustainably. Thoughts?

  3. Hi Mark from Stewards of Earth,

    It is certain that you are well-equipped to lead the way towards achieving a paradigmatic change towards more sustainable living. I shall hold you in high esteem and await your inputs, endeavours and contributions with great anticipations!

  4. A very noble cause…thank you for following my blog.

    I love the John Muir quote–very true, we must look at everything holistically.

    Great work on the blog, looking forward to reading 🙂

    It would be wonderful if you could please help me on my quest to promote positivity, health, and happiness by hitting “Like” https://www.facebook.com/MissCaliBayArea

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